Supported devices and operating systems


For the Apple devices, the Bingo Kingdom application only allows devices that are using the 9.0 version or above; 

Any version below the 9.0 will not allow you to play our application on your mobile device;


For the Android devices, Bingo Kingdom only allows devices that are using the 5.0 version or above;

As well, any version below the 5.0 will not allow you to play Bingo Kingdom on your mobile device;


For the Kindle devices, Bingo Kingdom only allows devices that are using the 5.0 version of Android operating system or above; Bingo Kingdom allows devices that are 2013 year of production or higher.

Any version of A ndroid  operating  system  below  5.0 and below  2013  year of production will not give you the possibility to play Bingo Kingdom on your device.

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